by Azility Team | Jun 23, 2020
Azility contributed funds to Pollinate Group’s COVID-19 $100 000 for 100 Days campaign. Azility’s funds helped Pollinate Group achieve their $100 000 target to address energy access, poverty and gender inequality in the most neglected communities of India and Nepal....
by Azility Team | Jun 2, 2020
Azility contributed funds to WaterAid’s COVID-19 infection protection campaign. WaterAid works with the Government of Timor-Leste to make good hygiene part of people’s normal everyday life. They help empower those that are excluded to stand up for their rights,...
by Azility Team | Feb 14, 2019
Community consultation and engagement for the building of the Gohikuka Bridge, and its associated social and environmental enhancement programs. The foot bridge will provide safe crossing for 3,000 people and will result in cleaner water through re-vegetation of the...
by Azility Team | Feb 14, 2019
2017 feasibility assessment for small-scale electricity generation in remote communities. Project lead: Project Everest
by Azility Team | Feb 14, 2019
Payment of the monthly electricity bill for the Odede Community Health Centre. The Odede Health Centre is a WYI initiative that brings crucial healthcare services to thousands of people living in extreme poverty every year. It provides maternal and infant health care,...
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