Snowy Monaro Regional Council


Scaling a mountain of utility bills

Managing its utility bills was a continuous headache for the Snowy Monaro Regional Council before Azility saved the day.

The Challenge

For the Snowy Monaro Regional Council, processing hundreds of utility bills each month from three separate electricity suppliers was a huge and complex job. Bills were held up in manual approvals by separate departments, and saved in a separate document management system that made it tough to locate accurate and timely information. And this made it nigh on impossible to pick up anomalies before payment and to access early payment benefits – and avoid late payment penalties.

There was also no link between accounts and the properties they belonged to, creating a cascade of wasted staff time, misallocation of cost centres and confusion over classification of assets.

Council recognised the task of unravelling the billing mess was too huge and complex to handle on its own, turning to Azility for an organisation-wide solution: one that met that met the needs of its asset managers and accounts payable, finance and sustainability and environment teams with transparency, accuracy and speed.

The Azility Difference

Azility’s incredibly powerful utility bill management capabilities enabled Snowy Monaro Regional Council to streamline the process in one simple, user-friendly platform. Everything is automated, flowing seamlessly from one stage to the next, from the receipt and checking of accounts to allocation, approval alerts and payment. Invoices are easily viewed, shared and accessed by all relevant departments, helping Council to make good energy management a shared
organisational responsibility.

At Azility, we believe the solution we’ve created is pretty special – but what makes it the best in class in the support we give you every step of the way to take advantage of all it has to offer. Our Service Management team handles every aspect of implementation, staff training, utility advocacy, and more, continuing on as a true partner in your business all the way through.

Key take-aways

There’s no doubt that the Azility platform has changed the way things are done at Snowy Monaro Regional Council. Bringing utility management under control has unleashed a power-pack of benefits, including:

  • saving money through early bill payment and easy detection of overbilling and energy use anomalies
  • reducing staff time on manual processing through automating bill receipt, checking, allocation and approval
  • facilitating better communication between asset managers and Council’s finance, sustainability and operations departments
  • delivering greater accountability for resource use and encouraging
    everyone to play their part in reducing energy use, and
  • providing a clear and complete picture of energy use and utility bills across each and every asset.

Council’s Director Corporate Services, Jo-Anne Mackay agrees.

“This has been a real advantage for Council; we originally implemented this program in Snowy River prior to amalgamation and are now looking to roll this out across the whole organisation,”

“Azility has enabled our organisation to take control of utility billing, making it easier to realise cost savings, identify and resolve issues, and involve all staff in achieving our reduction targets.”

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