Councils can capitalise on the clean economy

A major national climate summit, hosted by Cities Power Partnership will take place online from 26-27th May and Azility is proud to be announced as the Major Sponsor.

Cities Power Partnership, Australia’s largest local government climate network, has created the premier event to draw council leaders together from across the country to develop regional climate and energy solutions. A key focus of the summit is how local governments can capitalise on the clean economy and create thousands of jobs.

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Dr Portia Odell director of the Cities Power Partnership said that the program’s first summit was a huge success that initiated new council collaborations on renewable energy and sustainable transport projects.

“Towns and cities are already leading the way in creating a strong and prosperous future. As the world transitions to net zero carbon, this local leadership is crucial as we recover from the impacts of the global pandemic, bushfires and other damaging extreme weather events,” Dr Odell said.

The Summit will cover current issues including setting and achieving net zero targets, capitalising on the clean economy, investing in large-scale renewable energy, building resilience and adapting to climate change, and working together for greater impact.

Dan Ilic, host of A Rational Fear podcast and investigative humourist, will be Master of Virtual Ceremonies at the event. There is an inspirational and informative line-up of keynote presenters, including:

  • Kate Gallego, Mayor, Phoenix, Arizona
  • Lesley Hughes, Climate Council councillor and climate scientist
  • Ross Garnaut, economist and author
  • Charlie Prell, Deputy Chair of Farmers for Climate Action

The National Summit 2021 will see government leaders join forces to develop and accelerate the big ideas and solutions that are revolutionising Australia’s approach to energy and climate change.

Azility has been helping Australian Local Governments navigate the complexities of energy markets, utility providers and ever-changing technologies to save money, energy, water and greenhouse gas emissions since 2006.  Azility’s commitment to Local Government has led it to become the market leader for Energy Data Management platforms in the Australian LGA sector; currently partnering with over 130 Councils across Australia. 

“Azility is proud to be associated with Cities Power Partnership and to sponsor this major event. Our key focus is Local Government, and we know the level of commitment required by councils to reduce their emissions profile, and their important role in addressing this global issue,” Rikki Papesch, General Manager of Azility said.

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About the Cities Power Partnership

The Cities Power Partnership is a free national program created by the Climate Council that celebrates and accelerates pollution reduction and clean energy in Australian towns and cities.



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